Tuesday, March 29, 2016

ARC REVIEW: In Your Dreams by Ginger Scott

Title: In Your Dreams
Author: Ginger Scott
Series: Falling #4
Release Date: March 29, 2016


Casey Coffield has a growing list of personal flaws he keeps locked away in his head:
He’s never on time.
His list of IOUs to his best friend is endless.
Money is always short.
Goals are never in reach.

Oh, and he’s decided to add college drop-out to that list, too. He doesn’t really think that last one’s such a bad thing, but his family insists it is, so it stays on the list.

On paper, he’s a zero. But in person, when he’s mixing tracks for a sea of bodies at the hottest clubs and parties, he’s downright irresistible. Just-right stubble on his chin, body of a boxer and a smirk that stimulates all the right nerves—women have never been a problem. They flock to his swagger and fall for his charm…fast.

All except for this one.

Purple hair, gray eyes, a raspy voice and sass, Murphy Sullivan is a little bit country and a little bit rock-n-roll. And her and Casey? They have history. He can’t remember it, but she wrote a song about him—and it’s not exactly a love song. But it is good. Damn good. And uncovering her inspiration just might be the key to solving a few of his shortcomings—not to mention open doors to his own big break in the music industry.

But sometimes dreams get messy when they collide. Sometimes life changes patterns. A past paints the wrong picture and futures get cloudy. The only question that remains is who will you choose when the dust settles—you? Or the girl of your dreams?


Ginger Scott is probably one of my favourite voices in the Young Adult genre. She proves it again with the captivating, passionate, and entertaining feels in In Your Dreams . I have to side with Murphy, Casey Coffield is really quite hard to forget. 

She’s an enigma. She’s beautiful. If my music had a physical form, I think it might just be her.

Murphy Sullivan just wanted to share her music, the only passion she can lose herself into. But when one of her particular song reached the man her song was named after, she’s set to find out that she might be passionate into something—someone—other than her music. Murphy was a refreshing character. She was soulful, funny, and down-to-earth. She possessed a fiery kind of passion within her shy exterior and I loved the little moments of uncovering it. 

I wasn’t less Casey—I was this Casey, the better man she makes me.

Casey Coffield knew he had a fair share of girls in his life. But he didn’t quite know who he pissed enough to make him sound like a pompous ass—literally…with music and lyrics. I loved Casey the moment I read about him on the third book. On the outside, he was funny, naughty, and happy-go-lucky. But knowing his tender spots in this book clasped my heart. His passion was intense, his sincerity uplifts, and he loved with the kind of love so rare. There was definitely more of a man in Casey Coffield than the boy everyone else sees. 

My dreams, however, and Casey Coffield, seem to have collided.

I really loved the easy, soulful aura of this book. It was fun but affective at the same time. Ginger Scott transported me into how a young heart should feel—passionate, honest, and selfless. Her writing prowess is like a ballad with beautiful lyrics and a soothing tune a reader can never tire of re-reading. In Your Dreams has the right amount of drama, fun, and romance with passionate characters and witty dialogues.

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